This is the first post of a series called “Experimentations” where developments will be shared. This is also the place to discuss and debate the orientation that these laboratory inks should take and see if some of them could be developed further and become a new ink in the collection. Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings as this will influence the develepments, let’s make it a game
Unexpected (monster?) sheen
Was playing with new dyes recently bought to evaluate their usefulness in new formulations, especially for mixtures of blues and reds, when a combination offering a surprising mix of hues while having a relatively high amount of sheen came out. This is only a first, quick test but this could be a nice ink to develop…

Some attempts at famous metals
Below are some tests to obtain the base color for copper and bronze hue:

And here is a first test of an oxidised “copper-ish” color using a mixture of some very fine mica powder to obtain the golden shimmer. The colour is not yet satisfying but the combination of sheen (red areas) and shimmer (golden sparks) seems interesting and could be investigated further:

Should any of these experiments be considered further? What do you think?
These are such interesting inks! How fine is the mica powder you used? That last ink is my favorite!
Thank you for your message 🙂
The specification for the mica powder was 40-65µm particle size. I did not verify the value thought.