Thank you for your visiting my homepage. For those who have been here before, it has been a while since a major update, as the v9 was still running using a flash environment until end 2020 when Adobe officially acted the end of life of the product. Back then, the site was entirely dedicated to Photography and mostly photographs on decaying environments.
Today, I intend to share with you here more Photographs but also a passion that sparkled to life again since my time at school, namely inks and fountain pens. I realise now that I did not take the time to enjoy the experience of writing with a fountain pen in the past. The pleasure of laying coloured fluids on paper, the feedback of the nib, the way the ink leaves the nib, leaving the words behind… and the beauty of that ink drying on the paper leaving the so much anticipated and expected shadings and sheen… I know now why I never realised that pleasure in the past. We mostly wrote on copy paper… and missed all the good parts. Well, it is not too late, 2 years ago I bought a fountain pen, a bottle of ink and… some good paper! The fever quickly settled in and in less than a year the state of the collection was close to 70 bottles of ink and 24 pens! Then I considered how to slow down that ink fever to buy less bottles in the next year. And the idea was, as a chemist, I will play with ink formulations! And it worked, only bought about 15 bottles this year… and quite a lot of chemicals and dyes… and pigments… and mica… and as you can see below… it was really fun!

After a year of experimentations, I learned so many important things about inks and pens that the interested is still growing more and more. This is entirely for fun, I have no particular business plan in mind, and as of today the objective is not to commercialise the inks I produce but rather share my experiences and, why not, provide some samples to adventurous people. I have seen on several networks that I am not the only one with that interest and I thought that it would be a good thing to document my experiences in a much funnier way than in my reports and excel sheets. That’s the reason of this website and while I cannot dedicate as much time as I would like to those interests, I will try to regularly update this page with new images and experiences. Do not expect daily or even weekly updates however I will do my best to regularly post samples of my work. I will also review some of the products that I buy (mmm… yes I still buy inks and pens, but much less).
The access to the site is entirely free and currenty ad-free. The members section is also completely free and in-depth articles will be written and shared with members only, the first one of the series dedicated to the manufacturing of “SCIENCE Blue”.
Do not hesitate to participate in the comment section and orientate the flow of experiments in the Laboratorium!
Thank you for your visit and participation, hope you will enjoy the journey as well!
Looking forward to seeing more! This is fascinating to me.